America is known as the manufacturing powerhouse of the globe. Time and time again, the power of America’s manufacturing prowess has made this country strong for over a century. Technology over the years has played a role in that strength. Our manufacturing operations have figured out the most difficult challenges and produced the best products. The one thing that played the biggest part in that story is the American worker. We are a country of immigrants and a strong work ethic, with a sharp competitive edge. But we cannot forget the struggles those workers endured during their rise to the top. In the early 1830’s, American manufacturing workers were paid poorly and struggled with a 70+ hour a week schedule. Over the years, those conditions have significantly improved. Today, American manufacturing workers enjoy safe and productive work environments and are compensated in a fair and reasonable manner. Lean Six Sigma methodologies have contributed to the advancement of of the American workforce over the past few decades.
We can never forget the sacrifices and tireless efforts of the American manufacturing worker. Today, we should celebrate Labor Day with the thoughts of a grateful nation!
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